Friday, March 9, 2012

Kutipan Menyentil Hati

beberapa kutipan favorit yang gue ambil dari beberapa blog atau tumblr. check them out...

"To all you single girls, it's okay to be single. Do not fret, but instead, be thankful that Allah actually picked to protect YOU from the petty sins that we might do with boys (Flirt, holding hands etc). Your moment will soon arrive before you know it. =) And to you girls that already are in a relationship, do remember that you are also lucky to be having an another half to whom you wanna share your life with, I just hope you guys will ponder and change the way you and your partner’s way in a relationship. Remember, a blessed relationship begins with a clean plate. Imagine you're about to attend a buffet dinner, and there's this long line of delicious foods that awaits you. But then you go and pick a dirty plate for you to enjoy your entire meal.
Yes, you can still eat, but wouldn't the rest of your eating journey then be very bland and urm, uninteresting? Had you chosen the cleaner plate, the buffet journey would be such a pleasing experience you would actually get later on. Gahhh! Me and my comparisons.. I do this a lot, but somehow not sure whether the message gets through or not.. Kikiki..." (via- My Amethyst)
"Jangan karena kau bersedih, pintu hatimu terbuka sedikit, sehingga siapapun memiliki kesempatan masuk bagai pencuri"  (via- @zarryhendrik
 "Bersabarlah dalam diammu, karena tulang rusuk tak pernah tertukar" (via- @inamassijaya
"Aku selalu salut, pada wanita yang mampu menjalani harinya dengan hati seorang diri. Karena kebanyakan wanita tidak betah untuk sendiri, sampai-sampai mereka mengobral hati ke orang yang salah." (via- PemainKata)
"Lebih baik aku tetap sendiri tanpa mencintai siapapun daripada karena cinta, aku hendak memisahkan sepasang kekasih yang sedang bahagia."  (via- @zarryhendrik)
which is your favorite? ;)


  1. lumayan nay, lumayan nyentil, kalo aku suka yg trakir. dlam bed kta2nya.

    1. emmm, suasana hati lu juga lagi kayak gitu kali yah? :p

  2. gue sama kaya licin, seneng yang terakhir, yang pertama gue gak ngerti hahahaha :)
